our Health & Social Care courses will help you broaden your knowledge and go the extra mile. Our fantastic Care Simulation Room (CSR) is set up for use by all students studying in Health & Social Care. The room will be used by students, to be taught and assessed, supported with and supervised by Health & Social Care tutors.
Wheelchair friendly, accessible, and providing space for a range of practical demonstrations and activities that may form part of course assessment, the CSR is set up with furnishings, equipment and a wide range of resources that you would observe and use in a range of care settings including hospitals, residential care homes and nursing homes. It will allow you to explore, use and practice with equipment that you are likely to come across in care environments.
Many of the Health & Social Care staff are trained professionals and are therefore able to share their knowledge and experiences with you to enhance your experience on the range of courses.
Past students’ career paths include university, nursing, midwifery, occupational therapy, dental nursing and social work.
Vocational & T Level
Courses for Adults
Vocational & T Level
Courses for Adults

“I have always wanted to be a midwife, but this course also supports progression to many more options of study at university. I like that we cover many areas, though my favourites have been learning about communication and human growth & development.”