Trial date set for men's and women's rugby teams
Would you like to combine playing rugby with your studies at York College & University Centre?
If the answer to that question is yes, and you're an existing or prospective student, then please come along to our trial night on Wednesday, August 30.
We are looking to recruit for our men’s and women’s 2023/24 teams and it is anticipated that members of York City Knights’ first-team squad will oversee the trial session that will take place from 6pm to 7.30pm on the College’s Sim Balk Lane playing fields.
If you would like to register for the trial, please fill in the application form by clicking on the following link: https://forms.gle/KZmeen3RsjmDrh3C7
Both men’s and women’s teams will play under the name of York College Knights and compete in games against fellow college and sixth-form sides.
Twice-weekly training sessions will also take place, including field-based coaching and gym workouts.
In 2021, Myles Harrison became the first former York College Knights player to represent the Knights’ men’s first team and this season’s Challenge Cup quarter-finalists are hoping more can be nurtured along that pathway in coming years.
It is also hoped that graduates from the College women’s team can go on and represent York Valkyrie – the all-conquering 2022 Super League Leaders’ Shield winners.