York College celebrates Ofsted rating
Students and staff of York College & University Centre are thrilled to celebrate the result of their recent Ofsted inspection, which saw the college receive a rating of good.
York College & University Centre, which provides a vast provision of study options to over 5,000 young people, adult learners and apprentices, was last inspected in 2013. This most recent inspection judges the college to be consistently ‘good’ against the criteria in the current Education Inspection Framework.
Sharing Ofsted’s view of: “Providing high-quality education for learners and apprentices, despite the pandemic and new economic challenges”, staff are delighted with the result.
The inspection report acknowledges that the college has in place an ambitious curriculum, which has been informed well by the needs of employers and regional partners. This curriculum is delivered by well-qualified and vocationally experienced teachers and assessors, including nurses, stonemasons and barristers. As a result of this tuition, students and apprentices make good progress in gaining and applying new knowledge and skills.
The report commends the progress made by apprentices with good support in the workplace and in college. Students studying A Levels and other level three qualifications almost always get into their first choice of university and are well prepared for study at higher levels.
Through the college’s personal tutoring arrangements, students are supported to gain a good understanding of a range of current topics, especially around safety and healthy relationships which support their personal development.
Learners and apprentices have good access to and engage well in a range of enrichment activities, trips and visits, often with direct relevance to their subject area. Many also engage in charitable activities in the local community.
The report goes on to say that students with special educational needs benefit from a curriculum that focuses well on their personal development. The curriculum supports them well to develop positive relationships and promotes their physical and mental well-being.
Staff ensure that learners who require it benefit from work experience and exposure to the industries in which that they are planning to work. For example, learners in beauty therapy gain experience of the workplace through working in the college’s busy commercial salons with paying clients.
The college’s partnership working is celebrated by Ofsted and the report comments that senior leaders play a leading role in local and regional forums, shaping the development of skills across York and North Yorkshire.
Lee Probert, Chief Executive & Principal of York College & University Centre said:
“It’s really pleasing to read our most recent inspection report and to recognise both the huge number of positives, as well as the small number of things we need to focus on to continue to improve. It’s a long time since we were last inspected, and these outcomes reflect our own self-assessment of provision.
“Inspectors recognised our strong partnerships, the excellent progression for all our students and how we develop students’ wider personal skills. York College can trace its history back to 1827 and in all that time, enabling students to progress has been at the heart of what we do.”
The small number of areas for improvement which Ofsted identified were already part of the college’s quality improvement plans and it is testament to the self-assessment process that the college’s and Ofsted’s assessment are so closely aligned.
Ian Looker, Chair of Governors of York College & University Centre said:
"I welcome Ofsted's report and their judgements on the College. In particular, it is reassuring that all the work the College does in seeking excellence for its students, providing a high-quality student experience and developing external partnerships has been recognised by the inspectors.
“I would like to thank all those involved in the College community who have contributed to this outcome."